CONSIDER THIS: "Before Our Eyes Were Opened"
What was life like BEFORE what's known as 'the fall of Man"…
❤️ “Before Our Eyes Were Opened” —
I received this song some timeback while studying Genesis 1–3 and trying to image what our world was must have been like BEFORE the drastic change from God’s original plan, before we decided we’d rather do things our way.
🎥 (version without intro explanation:)
To me the Genesis accounting of Creation explains satisfactorily to me what happened to us and our world — how things were originally, how they got changed, and the way to potentially fix things and ‘get back to the garden…’If what many of the ancients believed is true, then we humans are different now from how we were originally created; something has changed, something is missing…I think we all sense this when we walk in nature and experience the beauty and majesty of what God created — so different from what we feel when we walk in even the best of cities that Man has made. According to the Biblical story, Nature and Humankind are not what they were originally, and as beautiful as our physical world remains, it was affected by the choices of its human inhabitants when they broke relations with the Creator way back when, according to the scriptures.
I love studying Genesis 1–3 in particular, and it is the only thing I have read or studied so far that begins to answer some of life’s biggest and most important questions: “Where did we come from?” “What are we here for?” “What went wrong that made things so bad?” And therefore, “How can we fix things?” As complex as our world is and has been over millennia, these chapters give the outline of what went wrong, which is the first step in learning how to repair or correct the damage done.
This song that I got contemplates another question that came to mind while going over these chapters: “What was it like BEFORE that day the first humans made bad choices? What were we human like before that fateful day?” It’s very possible we had some form of ‘super powers,’ at least compared to what we are presently (speculation by some)…If nothing else, our minds and thoughts were different before we lost our link with the Creator and were consumed, even ravaged, by the effects of sin.
Anyway, ’consider this’ and share your thoughts on the matter! It seems to me that one day we’ll know the full truth, but for now share any ‘glimpses of reality’ that you may have had! It’s always fun to imaging and speculate how things might have been “before our eyes were opened” and we took in “the knowledge of evil”…
Love, Jerry P
The Story of Adam and Eve Is Not Unique to the Bible
10 Variations of the Adam and Eve Creation Story in Different Cultures
Worldwide Traditions of Primordial Paradise
— the idea of an original, perfect society — one of peace and plenty, devoid of disease or death, and in which humanity communed freely with their God or gods — is found in many forms around the globe. For all their variations in form and focus, these traditions relate remarkably similar circumstances.
— Mesopotamian civilization and culture are considered to have begun at Sumer, and the Sumerians had a paradise myth, composed in the 3rd or 2nd millennium B.C., it consists of an unmistakable parallel with the Biblical account.2 Likewise, in ancient Egypt, the theme of an original paradise was pervasive. “There was plenty of food in the bellies of the people; there was no sin on the earth; the crocodile did not seize prey, the serpent did not bite in the age of the primeval gods”3 — a time when men and gods lived together and man was immortal.
Creation Stories from Around the World
— most pagan creation myths begin with producing order (cosmos) out of disorder or chaos by intelligence or, in a few cases, by some ordering force