I BELIEVE IN YOU — a declaration of love ❤️
🎥 https://youtu.be/3EnX-DLKJl8
This has been my experience with Jesus of Nazareth described in a song, not unlike the experience of so many others I’m sure. Haven’t you found all of this to be true in your relationship with Him? If not, move in a little closer!
This was originally a love song for someone who became a very special person in my life at one point, and it remained true to a great extent for some time. Ultimately we grew apart and moved in separate directions, in spite of wishes and good intentions. In spite of the promises of unchanging love and devotion expressed in many ‘human love songs’, movies, literature, etc., we humans with all of our changing emotions, ups and downs, and instabilities, just can’t fulfill those promises or be so unwavering. People will fail people it seems, and only He has that unique quality of continuously loving profoundly, and never changing in the supernatural love.
🎧 audio version: https://jerrypaladino.bandcamp.com/track/i-believe-in-you-2