NEW SONG: "We Shall Awaken"
I read these lyrics, attributed to Bernard of Cluny (also known as Bernard of Morlaix) a twelfth-century French Benedictine monk (c. 1122–1156), taken from a section of a 3,000 line medieval poem, De Contemptu Mundi (On the Contemptableness of the World). The first stanza in particular caught my attention, tugged at my heart, and made me want to put it to song (Chorus lyrics are mine):
“Brief life is here our portion;
Brief sorrow, short lived care;
The life that knows no ending,
The tearless life, is there.”
As beautiful as life on this earth is, it is indeed short and often filled with sorrow and care. We modern folk tend to not focus on these uncomfortable matters, especially when we’re young (“Morbid!!”); but as we grow older approaching the finish line of our individual races, it all starts to become in our thoughts and reflections, especially when we see others around our age dropping out and moving on…
Thankfully, for believers in Jesus, the MAJOR issues are all sorted out, the big picture is ‘all good’ for those who love God and are called according to His purpose; and it’s mostly the nagging little details of day-to-day life that keep us busy and challenged down here. We all know what’s coming, so in our reflections it’s wonderful to remember that, as John, so eloquently wrote:
“Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them….There will be no more pain, for the former things have passed away” (Rev. 21.3–4).
The end is even better than the beginning…❤️