The Bizarre Plan Behind the Birth of a Human Being
The Bizarre Plan Behind the Birth of a Human Being
I just had the joy of participating in the birth of a handsome new grandson … so great! I never get tired of the creation of new human beings, nor the aftermath of caring for them, even as exhausting as all that can be!
It was wonderful to see how the Lord was present at every stage of the process: an ideal location for the birth, the impeccable timing of every detail large or small along the way, the personnel in attendance at this historical event, to mention just a few things. Everything proceeded like clock-work, and even at the last stage when complications arose and a miracle was needed, it was there, assuring a ‘happy ending’ to the story — or better yet, a ‘happy beginning’ since the BEST is yet to come!
Every birth is really a life-or-death experience. There are pros and cons to both natural births and ‘modern’ births that each of us must face when deciding which path to follow. Many opt for the ‘easy’ way (if such a thing really exists in birthing), while others choose a full natural experience, which is the path our daughter and son-in-law decided on. They were attended by a team of 2 midwifes and 1 doula throughout the process who performed wonderfully: well-trained, knowledgable and capable, and we all were thrilled how everything unfolded, from pre-natal care and preparation — right down to the final victory of birth, after-birth, cleaning and bundling the new package to take home after a needed rest!
I was the extra non-essential person to be in the room when the delivery of our grandson was happening, so I chose my place on a couch outside where I could do battle for my loved ones in prayer. But while in my position there, I was stuck yet again with what a BIZARRE plan this whole thing was of bringing humans into this life and continuing the re-population of the world. I’m pretty sure if (macro) evolution were true, this whole process would have been improved upon and/or eliminated from our species — why anyone would want to perpetuate this method with its’ pain and fingernail-biting moments is a mystery to me.
So as a believer in a Creator God who is behind the plan of procreation, I had to review “WHY, Lord? What’s the reason for this disconcerting way of bringing humans into the world, which has not changed over millennia?” Granted, not a super deep question, and I’m certainly not the first to ask the question or think this over, nor is what I got any amazing new revelation …
He gently reminded me that the whole process of birth, as disruptive as it can be, is yet another happening in our human existence that helps us recognize our need for Him, and results in our drawing near to Him in our hour of desperation; that He is after all the God of love who made us, delights in us, and loves to interact with us and be present and active on our behalf when we really really need Him. In many of our other life situations we tend to be pretty self-sufficient, figuring things out as we go, and so we maybe don’t avail ourselves of the help we could be getting along the way in EVERYTHING that happens in our lives. — Our loss …
In spite of all we do ahead of time to study, prepare mentally and physically for the birth, get checkups and gather materials, when the moment arrives and those contractions finally start, we truly realize that we have so little control over things and that we’ve now crossed the point of no return — we truly understand now much we have to lean on Him in those moments when things get out of our control, we need help — and then watch Him as He intercedes, becoming nearly palpable and going from invisible to nearly visible. (Read Psalm 107)
Especially at that final moment of the actual birth we’re all there sort of “alone with Him together” — mommy is pushing and playing the part only she can do; daddy’s trying to be encouraging and is praying while feeling pretty helpless; the midwives and helpers are instructing, watching, waiting, guiding and instructing; loved ones everywhere are praying, crossing their fingers, or doing whatever they believe will help … and then ‘boom,’, the guest of honor arrives, the storm is past, and the miracle of new life is consummated.
It gets me every time, and this time was no different. I’m so grateful for everyone at every stage of this miraculous process of generating new life …and mostly of all for Him being there and doing His part, putting His Divine Finger on the scale and turning things in our favor, assuring a positive outcome!